
The Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education 5th Conference, 11-13 June 2010
Moral Education in Asia's Globalising Societies: Concepts and Practices
The 5th Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education Conference will be held
at Nagasaki University, Japan, 11-13th June, 2010, entitled Moral Education
in Asia's Globalising Societies: Concepts and Practices.
APNME is a network of professional educators in moral education and development in the Asia Pacific region. It has held a conference annually since 2006. It facilitates focused in-depth discussion, the sharing of perspectives and the exchange of ideas on teaching and learning in moral education in local, national and regional contexts. In 2009 the Network had over 50 participants in its conference and has 34 members, from China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Macau, New Zealand, Taiwan, UK and USA.
The Asia Pacific region is closely interconnected historically and
culturally. Human relationships are central to this process now, just as
they were in the past, and as they will be in the future. At this stage
of globalisation we need to continue to discuss and explore concepts and
practices in moral education to further mutual awareness and understanding.
It is the intention of this conference to develop a new basis for our work
in moral education in the Asia Pacific region.
Nagasaki is an appropriate place for this purpose because of its
history of cultural exchanges. In world consciousness Nagasaki is most
famous as the site of the second A-bomb explosion, for Japan it has long
been a window on the world and a main point of contact with foreign cultures.
Nagasaki and its surrounding islands have many churches and much of the
local cuisine derives from a mix of cultures.
The 5th APNME conference will be held in conjunction with the 16th conference of Japanese Association for Methods of Moral Education (JAMME). Thus the structure of the conference will also serve to enhance regional collaboration: regional participants will be able to learn more about the concepts of Japanese moral education and its implementation in practice, and Japanese participants will have a chance to broaden their knowledge of moral education theory and practice from international scholars. Exchange of diversity will be a basis for productivity.
Colleagues undertaking research and development work in the Asia
Pacific region, who are interested in learning more about APNME's 5th conference,
should consult www.apnme.org for more details about the call for papers,
or contact the organizer, Professor K. Kamizono, Faculty of Education,
Nagasaki University, 1-14 Bunkyo-machi, Nagasaki-city, 852-8521, Japan.
Tel & Fax: +81-(0)95-819-2386. Email: apnmenagasaki@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp