Conference Topic - The 7th Annual Conference of The Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education - Research and practice in moral education: reflection, dialogue, interaction - College of Education, National Chung Chen University, Chiayi, Taiwan, 15-17 June, 2012

Conference Topics

Research and Practice in Moral Education: Reflection, Dialogue, Interaction

Paper Submission topics:
  • Educational: formal and informal moral education in practice in school and higher education and in families and communities; teaching and learning strategies (e.g. textbooks, discussion); moral education theories; putting moral education policy into practice; moral education curricula and programmes; teacher, parent and community education for moral education; lifelong learning; moral leadership in schools;
  • Philosophical: Eastern and Western philosophies and traditions, including the role of Confucianism in the Eastern value system, analytical, linguistic, Continental philosophy, virtue ethics, education of the emotions; liberalism; socialist materialism; applied ethics, especially environmental ethics and professional ethics;
  • Psychological: moral motivation, moral judgement; moral behaviour, moral identity, moral development; affective learning, counselling; psychological theories of moral learning, behaviour and development;
  • Social and anthropological: children; the family, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, community life; cooperation and conflict; globalisation;
  • Neurobiological and neuroethical: moral implications of brain biology; bioethics;
  • Ecological and cosmological: environmental; the unity of parts making the whole; 'man's' place in nature; lifestyle; sustainability;
  • Spiritual: the transcendent and immanent in relation to religion and culture; harmony as an ethical value;
  • Religious: the sacred and divine; the role of religion (e.g. Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam) in morality and moral education;
  • Secular: the traditional, modern, post-modern and their interrelationship; materialism and ethics; humanism; influence of the Internet; role of the media;
  • Historical and cultural: customs and traditions, past and present; cultural diversity within and between societies and nations; cross-cultural studies;
  • Political, civic and legal: the role of democracy; socialist ethics; individual and civic rights and responsibilities; citizenship education; social justice; civic engagement; rights within international law.