Conference Programme
The 11th Annual Conference of
The Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education
Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China
Friday 21st to Monday 24th April 2017
Conference Theme:
Establishing values-based learning environments: A whole-school approach to moral education
Conference Programme at-a-glance - One Page pdf 
Conference Programme - Full pdf 
Friday, 21 April
Time |
Events for everyone |
Other meetings |
Location |
08:00–15:30 |
Guiyuan Hotel Lobby |
15:30–17:30 |
Registration continues |
APNME Committee meeting,
dinner together and continue to meet Committee members |
17:30–19:00 |
DINNER everyone |
Guiyuan Hotel Buffet |
First meal is Dinner and the price Included in registration for everyone – early arrivals make own arrangements
Saturday, 22 April
Time |
Saturday, 22 April – Events |
Location |
07:00–08:30 |
Guiyuan Hotel Buffet |
08:30–09:30 |
Science Hall |
09:30–10:00 |
Coffee break |
Science Hall |
10:00–12:00 |
Two KEYNOTE speakers. PLENARY |
Science Hall |
Professor DU Shizhong Central China Normal University, China
National morality influencing the quality of Education
The article focuses on the ability of a country to have ethical behavior that must be limited by a moral philosophy. Because a nation’s behaviour can deteriorate morally, and education is unavoidably influenced by the national moral condition, school systems and state institutions need to maintain an ideal moral standard in the face of thischallenge toward our children and our common future. Through moral education, school systems create the future morality of a nation by ideological reproduction. Therefore, pedagogy needs to be vigilantly aware of any national moral deterioration. It also means that the ultimate concern of education is to promote the betterment of society. As educators, no matter how the country changes, we must find new ways to develop children’s conscience toward act with justice. |
Vishalache BALAKRISHNAN, PhD University of Malaya, Malaysia, and University of Waikato, New Zealand
Moral Education from a Multicultural Perspective
Traditional schooling found throughout Asia tends to focus on enunciating principles and studying the rule of law in particular nations. Dr Balakrishnan argues that to ensure holistic education, education philosophies should acknowledge the diversity of cultural groups within a state or nation and focus on “moral education in action” from a multicultural perspective. Students should be able to state their opinions and openly discuss controversial issues and culture in classes that include individuals from different cultures, religions, genders and beliefs. |
12:00–14:00 |
Group PHOTO (location to be announced) then LUNCH and NETWORKING |
Guiyuan Hotel Buffet |
Parallel Session 1 – Holistic Approaches – Saturday 22nd 14:00 – 15:30 SCIENCE HALL
Group A – Room: Lecture Hall
- BALAKRISHNAN Vishalache, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Moral education for the 21st century: A holistic approach.
- BONDAL Maria Riza, University of Asia and the Pacific, The Philippines
Fundamental elements in whole-school approach to moral education: Explicit values, coherent policies and practices.
- CHENG Hongyan and
SUN Qiwu, Central China Normal University, China
Constructing a whole school moral education system on the basis of students’ growth needs.
Group B – Room: 301
- ZHU Xiao Hong, Capital Normal University, China.
Re-understanding the meaning of “teaching and educating”
- VIDIGAL Sônia, Sao Paolo University (USP) Brazil
School: the learning environment from an anthropological point of view.
- HAYASHI Yasunari, Joetsu University of Education, Japan
Moral skills training in Japan: in relation to a whole-school approach to moral education.
Group C – Room: 302 (45 minutes each presentation)
- WU Meiyao, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
On human nature (defined in terms of ren, sociality and rationality) as the foundation of moral education
- MULIANI, Hanlie (SOA Parenting & Education Support Consultant) from Indonesia
PEREIRA Robert, International Educational Consultant from Australia
The ABC paradigm (cognitive behavioural therapy) as a significant process to address the moral issue of bullying in a school context
15:30–16:00 |
Coffee Break |
Science Hall |
Parallel Session 2 – Integrated Approaches – Saturday 22nd 16:00 – 17:30
Group D – Room: Lecture Hall
- ASTUTI Kun Setyaning and
WIDYANTORO Agus, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Developing a thematic integrated music teaching and learning model to foster children’s understanding of their own feelings and the feelings of others.
- THONG Yan Yee, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and
WONG Ka Ki Alice, Soundpocket, Hong Kong SAR
Life Education through children's arts activities: A case study of kindergartens in Hong Kong.
- SUHARNO, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Development of digital multiculturalism in Indonesia.
Group E – Room: 301
- RETNOWATI Tri Hartiti and
SAPTONO Bambang, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
An assessment strategy for visual art teaching in Indonesia.
- NG Wing Kay Vion, Religious & Moral Education Section, Catholic Education Office, H.K. and
LAU Wai-Keen Paul, Caritas Education Services, Hong Kong SAR
Implementation of Emmaus pedagogy in values teaching in Hong Kong.
- WANG Fan, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China
The death in the eyes of children—Impressions about a British lesson of philosophy for children.
17:30-18:00 |
Free Time |
Taking a Walk in CCNU |
18:00–20:30 |
WELCOME DINNER (Banquet style) (All participants are invited) |
Guiyuan Hotel Buffet |
Sunday, 23 April
Time |
Events |
Location |
7:00–8:30 |
Guiyuan Hotel |
8:30 |
Parallel Sessions START 8:30 PROMPTLY please |
Science Hall |
Parallel Session 3 – Character Education – Sunday 23nd 08:30 – 09:30
Group F – Room: Lecture Hall
- DUARTE Patrick Marinho, Metodista University, Brazil, and
VIDIGAL Sônia, Sao Paolo University (USP) Brazil
Facing history and ourselves: Citizenship and education.
- FUNG Chi Ching (Jacky), Hong Kong Policy Research Institute, Hong Kong SAR
Swimming against the stream: Chinese citizenship education in Hong Kong in an age of globalisation.
Group G – Room: 301
- PURWASTUTI Lusila Andriani, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Pancasila Values in the National Education System of Indonesia
- TANWIR Amna, The City School Network, Pakistan
Skills development in values-based education.
Group H – Room: 302
- WONG Mei-Yee, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
A shared belief towards values-based learning environments in school: A tale of a secondary school in Hong Kong.
- DWININGRUM Siti Irene Astuti, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
School policy in teaching the values of equality and democracy in schools.
SUNDAY 23RD 09:30 – 1130
09:30–10:00 |
Science Hall |
10:00–11:30 |
Science Hall |
Parallel Session 4 – School and Moral Education – Sunday 23nd 10:00 – 11:00
Group I – Room: 301
- NISHINO Mayumi, National Institute for Educational Research Policy, Japan
In search of a new approach to moral education in high schools.
- WU Bin, Guangdong University of Foreign Study, China
The integration of inherited culture and personality education: The moral education experience of the Chinese Academy of the Song Dynasty.
Group J – Room: Lecture Hall
- SUGIYO Rukiyati and
PURWASTUTI Lusila Andriani
Local wisdom-based character education model in elementary schools in Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
SUGIYO Rukiyati, PURWASTUTI Lusila Andriani and
PRIHADI, Bambang, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
The implementation of Indonesia’s child-friendly school policy based on environment in the coastal tourist area of Gunungkidul, Indonesia.
Group K – Room: 302
- HALILI, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Final exam and student character building.
- CHIU Wan-Ting, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
Rhizomic-holistic education: A tutor’s class management.
SUNDAY 23RD 11:00
11:00–12:00 |
Science Hall |
Parallel Session 5 – Higher Education & Character Development – Sunday 23nd 11:00 – 12:00
Group L – Room: Lecture Hall
- SANDJAJA Stefanus Soejanto, ASSA Adrie, Krida and
SUBIANTORO Alison, Krida Wacana Christian University, Indonesia
The effects of moral judgement and pro-environmental attitudes on electricity conservation behaviour.
- TSE Thomas Kwan Choi, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Bridge over troubled water: The role of the civil society organisations in Hong Kong in human rights education.
Group M – Room: 301
- IBRAHIM Adsina Fibra, Bina Nusantara International University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Character education in the higher education: Learning religious values through a public policy analysis.
- XU Ruifang, East China Normal University, China
Application of traditional responsibility resource in cultivating college students' sense of responsibility.
Group N – Room: 302
- YU Xuelin, Moral Research Institute of Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan Hubei and
DU Shizhong, Moral Research Institute of Central China Normal University, Wuhan
On Two Moralities and Cultivating Virtue by Regulations.
- BAZARSUREN Bayarmaa and
BATMUNKH Enkhbayar, Mongolian Institute of Educational Research, Mongolia
Research results on social norms and values of 8–10 age children in Mongolia.
SUNDAY 23RD 12:00 Noon
12:00–14:00 |
Guiyuan Hotel Buffet |
14:00 –15:30 |
Science Hall - Lecture Hall |
Monica J. TAYLOR: Honorary President APNME and Chair of Symposium
Symposiasts: Visha Balakrishnan, Nobi Iwasa, Mayumi Nishino, Laurance Splitter, Xiao-lei Wang, Meiyao Wu
Cultivating Morality in the Asia-Pacific: challenges for change
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Asia-Pacific Network, a special issue of the Journal of Moral Education, Cultivating Morality: The Asia-Pacific Experience, has recently been published (March, 2017; Vol. 46 No.1). The eight papers comprising the APNME special issue address significant regional or country-based issues in moral education related to the decade of APNME’s existence, present needs, and implications for future prospects for moral education in the Asia-Pacific region.
This plenary symposium aims to explore several common and underlying themes identified in the special issue editorial, by reference to issues, arguments and evidence in the papers. In what ways, in recent years, have the nations of the Asia-Pacific responded to the challenges of change in trying to ensure the moral wellbeing and civic engagement of their peoples; which issues are controversial and why; what goals and directions are espoused for the future? We will address: historical, nationalistic and contemporary influences on morality and moral education in the region and specific contexts; respective influences of home, school and society; concepts, values, goals and implications for teaching and learning; future roles for APNME, such as in developing regional approaches and supporting scholarship.
15:30–16:00 |
Science Hall |
SUNDAY 23RD 16:00
Parallel Session 6 – Moral Development – Sunday 23nd 16:00 – 17:30
Group O – room # (to be assigned)
- WANG Xiao-lei, Pace University, USA
Moral connotation of Chinese parents’ teaching of 做人 in the everyday context.
- SID Sanjaabadam and
TSERENDORJ Lkhagvasuren, Mongolian Institute of Educational Research, Mongolia
Research results on impact of language and abstract thinking on socio-emotional development of 15-17 age children in Mongolia.
- SHI Xiahong, Zhuhai City, China
Advantageous Psychological Analysis and Interventions upon Juvenile Defendants.
Group P – room # (to be assigned)
- PATTON Derek, University of Melbourne, Australia
Conversational foundations for moral thinking in preschool.
- ZHANG Qian, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China and
THOMA Stephen, University of Alabama, USA
An empirical cross-cultural study of moral judgment development in Mainland China and America.
- YANG Shaogang, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China
The cultivation of high quality globalized citizens in China.
17:30–18:00 |
Free time |
18:00–21:00 |
DINNER and Networking |
Guiyuan Hotel Buffet |
After dinner |
APNME committee meeting |
Monday, 24 April
12:00–14:00 |
LUNCH (LAST meal part of registration – book further meals at hotel) |
Guiyuan Hotel Buffet |
14:00–17:30 |
SCHOOL VISITS (please book at registration at start of conference) |
17:30–19:30 |
DINNER (please book at registration if possible) |
Guiyuan Hotel Buffet |
Tuesday, 25 April
Tour Bookings: Hongyan: OR Deng: +86 133 4999 9978 OR Lee: +86 176 9877 2988