Conference Activities
In addition to an opening ceremony with traditional dances and performance, a plenary address on moral education by a distinguished Indonesian speaker, parallel sessions, poster presentations and a best poster prize, the conference will also offer networking opportunities, a school visit and a number of cultural and social activities and opportunities.
Welcome Dinner
The Welcome Dinner will take place in the Ballroom of Yogyakarta State University Hotel (UNY Hotel) on Thursday 27 June 2013. It will offer participants a good opportunity to meet and mingle with each other and also to enjoy traditional dance and music performances by students of Yogyakarta State University.
Date : Thursday, 27 June 2013
Time : 19.00 – finish
Place : Ballroom of Yogyakarta State University Hotel
Dress code : Casual/batik
The cost of this event is included in the conference registration fee.
Ramayana Ballet (optional)
The Ramayana is an ancient Sanskrit epic that has the exploration of human values as a main theme and dance-drama adaptations of the story of Rama, dating back to Java’s pre-Islamic Hindu roots, have long been a tradition within Javanese culture. This performance, to the accompaniment of a live gamelan music orchestra, will be held on an open-air stage in front of a stunning background of the 9th century Prambanan temples, a UNESCO World Heritage site which has bas reliefs of Ramayana scenes carved on its balustrades. Many centuries later, the Ramayana remains a source of moral and spiritual guidance as well as aesthetic expression and entertainment. An early dinner will be arranged before the performance.
Date : Saturday, 29 June 2013
Time : 19.00 – finish
Place : Ramayana Ballet Stage, Prambanan Temple
Cost : USD 50,-
Borobudur Cultural Visit (optional)
No visit to Yogyakarta would be complete without a visit to the nearby magnificent Borobudur temple, one of the world’s biggest Buddhist monuments that, built on three levels symbolic of Buddhist cosmology, guides pilgrims on a path of enlightenment past hundreds of narrative relief panels to an upper platform of seventy-two small bell-shaped stupas containing statues of the Buddha surrounding one large central stupa. Built in the 9th century during the reign of the Syailendra dynasty, the temple’s Gupta architecture reflects India's influence, yet indigenous scenes and elements also make Borobudur uniquely Indonesian.
Date : Sunday, 30 June 2013
Time : 07.00 – 10.30
Cost : USD 50,-
After visiting Borobudur, participants will also be able to join a visit to Yogyakarta's Kraton (Sultan's Palace) and the well-known Jalan Malioboro, a bustling street of shops selling traditional and modern handicrafts, clothing and accessories. With additional cost USD 10,-