School Visit
While most schools in Indonesia will be on holiday at the time of the conference, arrangements have been made for conference participants to have the option of visiting one of six schools (described below) on the morning of 27 June after the opening plenary session, travelling by coach from Yogyakarta State University and returning to the University for lunch. Each visit will include refreshments (on arrival), a briefing about the school and its place within the overall Indonesian education system, observing one of the school’s teachers conducting a class of or related to moral education, discussion about the class and the opportunity to interact with teachers and students. The class will be conducted in Indonesian but explanation will be given in English and the visit should give a good opportunity to learn about moral and other educational aspects of a local school and provide a context for the formal sessions of the conference, especially those relating to moral education in Indonesia. There is no additional cost for this activity but participants should select the school that they would like to visit when they register for the conference; if a school does not obtain sufficient registrants, or too many, alternative arrangements may be made at the conference organisers’ discretion.
Established in November 2007, the Elementary School of Luqman al-Hakim International (LHI), run by an Islamic foundation, adopts the principle of tarbiyah (transformative education) in which learning is an integrated process involvingthe following seven aspects:
curiosity (spiritual aspect),
character (moral aspect),
contemplation (intellectual aspect),
concretion (physical and practical aspect),
collaboration (interpersonal aspect),
cultivation (cultural aspect), and
caring (social aspect).
LHI has some special activities such as morning motivation, reflection and clean-up before going home, and market-day activities. There is also a reading group and morning maths programme to develop pupils’ literacy and problem-solving skills.
LHI participates actively in various programmes organized by the Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) of Yogyakarta promoting education for sustainable development (ESD) and by the Waste Refinery Centre of Indonesia, which address the issue of school waste management and refinery.
Depending on traffic, it should take about 20-30 minutes to travel to the school.
Website: http://sdit-lhi.sch.id/
KanisiusElementary School of Sang Timur Yogyakarta, established in 1967, is run by a Catholic foundation.This school aims to foster the internalisation of religiosity, honesty, discipline, sharing and care, amongst othervalues. There is a focus on both academic content and values, with values being integrated in learning materials and classroom activities and taught through all subjects and all school activities as well as being introduced in the school’s social programmes.
Depending on traffic, it should take about 20 minutes to travel to the school.
Website: http://sdsangtimurjogja.sch.id/
State Junior Secondary School 1 Yogyakarta, established in 1942, places an emphasis on values education through three strategies. First, values education is integrated in all subjects in the learning materials and practised in the class routines and learning activities, with teachers being encouraged to serve as role models both inside and outside the classroom. Second, values are taught through scouting, which is compulsory for all year seven students and optional for students of year eight and nine. Third, values education is integrated in personal development programmes such as the science club and sports clubs.
Depending on traffic, it should take about 5 minutes to travel to the school.
Website: http://smpn1yk.tripod.com/
Established in 1945, State Junior High School 5 Yogyakarta has a long experience of moral education and seeks to develop students’ critical thinking, independence, confidence, discipline, politeness, leadership skills and ability to work in teams.
As in other state schools, values education is integrated in the learning process in all subjects but SMP 5 also uses project work as intensive way for students to learn about and internalise values. It also offers a number of extra-curricularactivities that students may choose to join such as music, dancing, marching, batik painting and taking part in activities of science or sports clubs. Scouting is compulsory for all year seven students and optional after that.
Depending on traffic, it should take about 5-10 minutes to travel to the school.
Website: http://www.smpn5yogyakarta.sch.id/site/html/index.php
Established in 1942, State Senior High School 3 Yogyakarta emphasises the development of independence, creativity, confidence, critical thinking, respect for diversity and environmental awareness.
Attempts are made to integrate values in the learning process for all subjects and students are encouraged to observe, conduct experiments, reason and question critically, draw conclusions and present what they have learnt.
The school offers students opportunities to participate in various extra-curricular activities such as research, sports, theatre, scouting, marching and those of the nature lovers club.
Depending on traffic, It should take about 5-10 minutes to travel to the school.
State Senior High School 6 Yogyakarta was established in 1950 and is a green school and a research school. Students are all involved in the ‘go green’ programme which has been very successful.There are numerous trees and plants within the school premises which are also used as resources of learning.
As a research school, SMA 6 provides training for students to develop and then practise research skills and many of them have invented products or processes, participated in national research competitions and won a lot ofresearch contests.
Depending on traffic, it should take about 5-10 minutes to travel to the school.
Website: http://www.sman6-yogya.sch.id/