Thank you for registering.
To make online payment to Fudan University please follow the following 7 step process:
Step 1. Click here to Register - open an account
Step 2. Click here to Login - click on "External user login"
Enter Email and Password and click on "Sign In"
Step 3. Click here to go to APNME Project page - click on "I to pay"
Step 4. Complete the Registration form - click on "Save"
Select your registration category and any optional choices
Step 5. Review the Registration confirmation page - click on "Pay Now"
Step 6. Review Fudan University's Payment Service page
- click on "Pay in full amount" if you are using Visa (Verified by Visa),
MasterCard (MasterCard SecureCode)
- click on "If you own a UnionPay card, please click here." on the page.
Step 7. Complete the Credit Card payment page - click on "Submit"
If you are using Visa (Verified by Visa), MasterCard (MasterCard SecureCode)
Complete the payment page
If you are using UnionPay