Link to Us
Standard Icons and Banner Sizes

Please feel free to use any of the standard sized link icons and banners below which we have prepared for your convenience.

Simply copy and paste the HTML code below the preferred image to display the banner on your website, forum or blog and you are done.

Linking to or copying our icons and images below

If you want to use them, we recommend that you copy these images to your own server instead of linking directly to the files available from this site. This will have several advantages:
  • Your images will not be broken if we rename or remove some files.
  • Your images will not be broken if this site has some temporary network problems.
  • Your pages will load slightly faster. Including images from different sites tends to increase the time needed to load a page, because your browser has to contact several servers (additional DNS requests and HTTP connections).
Feel free to copy the images shown on this page. You can copy them and use them on your pages, but please do not modify them without our permission. Most of the other images are copyrighted by their respective authors and cannot be copied without permission.

Thank you for linking to us.
The Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education
The Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education
The Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education
The Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education
The Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education
The Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education
The Asia-Pacific Network for Moral Education