Scholarship & Awards

Sponsors, Awards and Scholarships

The Association for Moral Education and Journal of Moral Education Trust will jointly award a number of scholarships to a maximum value of $1000 each, to be spent on attendance at and participation in the Nanjing Conference 2011. These scholarships are intended to assist scholars who would otherwise be unable to attend. It is hoped that they will enable the participation of delegates from regions of the world that might otherwise be under-represented, and of delegates at an early stage in their academic career.

These awards will be administered, and applicants selected, by a committee consisting of

Chair: Graham HAYDON (JME Trustee; Institute of Education, University of London, UK)
James CONROY (Treasurer JME Trust; Glasgow University, UK)
Phyllis CURTIS-TWEED (Treasurer AME; Medgar Evers College, CUNY, USA)
Monica TAYLOR (Editor JME; Honorary President APNME; Institute of Education, University of London, UK)

Scholarships may be used to support travel costs, payment of the conference fee and/or accommodation and subsistence, depending on individual circumstances. Applicants will also be expected to obtain funding from other sources so far as possible.

Applicants will be required to submit, by email and in English:

1. Full name and contact details including mailing address, phone number and email address.

2. A covering letter of no more than one page summarising the applicant's reasons for wishing to attend the conference, and the importance of the scholarship in making this possible. Applicants should indicate whether they have applied for or intend to apply for funding from other sources (e.g. the academic institution at which they are employed or are studying).

3. An estimated budget for their participation in the conference, including details of their travel costs and accommodation and subsistence. The budget should state the amount of funding requested from the scholarship fund and what applicants intend to spend this on.

4. A CV of no more than one page including degrees obtained; current academic affiliation and publications (if any).

5. A conference proposal, including title of paper or other presentation; nature of the presentation (individual paper or otherwise); abstract of up to 150 words; 500 word summary. It is expected that this will be an initial proposal in advance of the full proposal to be submitted to the conference programme committee later.

6. A letter of recommendation from an academic supervisor, colleague or employer.

Applications should be sent by email to the Committee Chair by 31 December 2010. The Committee will request further information if necessary with a view to deciding on applications by the end of February 2011. The Committee's decision will be final.


The following awards will be presented at a reception during the conference.


Kuhmerker Dissertation Award
The Association for Moral Education (AME) gives an annual award for an outstanding doctoral dissertation. The Kuhmerker Dissertation Award is intended to give recognition and commendation to a dissertation addressing moral cognition, moral development, moral functioning, and/or moral education. In 2011, as the conference will be in Nanjing, AME very much hopes to attract more doctoral students from the Asia Pacific to submit their theses.

Kuhmerker Career Award
The Kuhmerker Career Award recognises individuals who have made outstanding contributions to AME and to the field.

Good Work Award
The Good Work Award recognises achievement in moral educational practices.

More information about these awards, in honour of the AME's founder, Lisa Kuhmerker, are available on the AME website:


APNME Best Poster Award
A prize, donated by Christopher Drake, Chairman of Association for Living Values Education, Hong Kong, will be awarded for the best poster presented at the International Conference on Moral Education, Nanjing.


JME-Taylor Prize
This annual prize is being established by the JME Trust and Dr Monica J. Taylor, on her retirement after 35 years as JME Editor, to encourage the ongoing submission and publication of quality papers and to mark the 40th anniversary of the JME in 2011. It is specifically intended to recognise: a first-time publication by a junior scholar; an author from a developing country; an author whose first language is not English; or an innovative contribution from an established scholar which changes thinking on moral education. The first award will be made at the 2011 conference in Nanjing. All papers in the four issues published from September 2010 to June 2011 (i.e. Volume 39:3 and 4 and Volume 40:1 and 2) will automatically be considered for the first award by the JME-Taylor Prize Committee, chaired by the Chair of the JME Editorial Board.